Judeo-Christian Ethics
Servant-Leadership Strategies
BEMA Investments Inc. is a charitable nonprofit corporation which focuses on investing Judeo-Christian ethics in our local & worldwide communities. BEMA partners with individual people, government groups, or private associations by:
1.) Teaching servant-leadership strategies
2.) Facilitating charitable projects

Android App
You can download the preview beta version of the Spiritual Gifts app for Android at http://www.tricalico.com/spgifts_mobile/home.html. An Apple iOS is in production.

Revisions, additions and corrections (see below) were recently made after first being published 11 years ago in 2012. The second edition is available at Amazon or from Westbow Press.
Chapter 10 Gates, Wolves & Mere Men
An expanded understanding and appreciation of culture and context facilitated a revision of this chapter.
Gehenna is not "Hell"
Foregoing a modern Western filter and utilizing an ancient Eastern mindset generated a reasonable understanding of Gehenna.
Back the Blue
It's an appropriate opportunity to acknowledge those who "bear the sword" in the only job ordained by God (law enforcement - Romans 13:1) and to recognize the men and women who, by carrying a badge and gun and facing the constant risk in protecting the lives of others, may also face the sacrificial reality of the loss of their own lives. No greater love...
Mr. Gilbert’s theology is energetic and insidious. His belief system does not allow him to rely upon the Gospel of John to find the principles of justification salvation. To him, becoming a Christian has a great cost for men and women – it’s not a free gift. See a current review of this popular book.

Game show hosts can say the silliest things. When they get paid to be pastors, their words carry a more dangerous edge. For Mr. Driscoll to say, "There is no such thing as free will. I would go so far as to say it's a demonic deception" and then state, "We are responsible for the choices we make. We do make choices and we're responsible for them"- this is known as a contradiction. In police work we call it "stuck on stupid." The Merriam-Webster dictionary has a simple definition for free will:
NOUN - Definition of free will 1: voluntary choice or decision "I do this of my own free will."
Calvinism then forces the game show host to make a non-biblical statement; "You're not free to decide whether you go to heaven or hell." Have fun selling that to 1.) a 6-year old, 2.) an atheist or 3.) a person with half a brain. Mr. Driscoll appears to be committed to weak theology and flashy entertainment. His investment in the pagan determinism of Augustine and in error-riddled Gnosticism does not seem consistent with the biblical principles of grace and truth. Mr. Driscoll may possibly be better off laying down his agenda and instead pursue Judeo-Christian principles. Jms. 3:1, 2 Tim. 2:15-18, 4:3-4, Titus 1:10-11, Gal. 1:7, Phil. 1:22, Heb. 11:25, Lev. 7:16, Ex. 35:21, 29, Dt. 23:23, Josh 24:15
If you're interested in purchasing the designed Bema PUSHBACK banner for $20 each, reach out to us via the contact link for the number you would like to order, name, contact info and a shipping address. All purchases will be considered donations to Bema Investments. We'll respond with an order confirmation and a total cost/donation.

Biblical Life Strategies:
A practical context-driven interactive study of the biblical text. What did the text say? What did it mean? What does it look like today? Through observation and interpretation we'll discover practical application of timeless truth. Contact Craig Skillicorn at Greenway Shipping (craig@shipgreenway.com) for further details.
The new year of 2025 is underway. We'll be starting again on January 9 and continuing every Thursday, until summer break, from 11:30am to 12:30pm. If you want lunch, this is a “brown bag” event. Please bring your lunch and something to drink. The meeting room is to the immediate right of the receptionist desk.
BLS - 11:30 to 12:30
Vision Offices
14362 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd.
Scottsdale, 852260

Strategic giving is crucial in fulfilling the Great Commission. Please consider investing in BEMA's proactive work.